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Following decisions made at the General Assembly of 2021, every Presbytery must have an agreed Presbytery Mission Plan, fully agreed, and in place by the end of 2022. Dundee Presbytery is therefore in the process of drawing up a Presbytery Mission Plan to replace the rolling ten year Presbytery Plan drawn up in 2012. Dundee Presbytery has been allocated 18 FTE ministries.
The Dundee Presbytery Planning Group has produced a draft plan. They believe however that a Presbytery Mission Plan needs to inform, and complement, and be informed and complemented by localised Mission plans, which should be produced, owned and driven by groupings of congregations. Each of the six groupings of congregations proposed by the Presbytery Planning Group is now working on preparing these local plans. The first draft of Dundee Presbytery Mission Plan is available here. This is very much a work in progress and all aspects of the final plan will be shaped by the localised Mission plans.