The Teams in the Fellowship Ministries Stream are as follows: Pastoral Care, Social Fellowship, Home Groups, Eco-Church. The remit for each team is detailed below.
Pastoral Care Team
- To work with the Minister and Pastoral Assistant to ensure that the pastoral care needs of members of The Steeple Church family are identified and met.
- To ensure that the elderly and infirm are regularly visited and supported.
Social Fellowship Team
- To organise and co-ordinate Church Lunches, ‘Out & About’ and other ad hoc special events that seek to build friendship and community.
- To liaise with and support Steeple Ski Club, Steeple Men Group and Steeple Craft Group.
- To ensure that visitors and newcomers are welcomed and helped to integrate into the fellowship.
Home Groups Team
- To foster the important priority of ‘midweek Small Groups’, including Home Groups, within The Steeple, as a key vehicle for fellowship, prayer and bible study.
- To support and encourage ‘Small Group’ Leaders and hosts in their important role.
Eco-Church Team
- To support the congregation in furthering an understanding of and commitment to addressing the risks to God’s creation as a result of climate change and pollution.
- To advise the Kirk Session on measures that will ensure The Steeple Church operates in an environmentally responsible manner.