The Tower is the oldest part of the structure, dating from the 15th century. Over the centuries several church buildings have been erected and have fallen on the site. The present Steeple Church dates from 1789. The other parts of the edifice on the east side, the Mary Slessor Centre and Dundee Parish Church (St Mary’s), were built in the 1840’s after a fire. A more detailed history is available.
The bright, colourful appearance of the sanctuary and the Welcoming Hall derives from the renovations carried out at the time of the congregation’s bicentenary in 1989. At an earlier time, when the previous Overgate Shopping Centre was built – thus depriving the church of its halls – the east/west axis was shortened and the seating, previously arranged in a horse-shoe shape around a pulpit on the south wall, was realigned to face east to a raised chancel and a pulpit. Behind the east wall there are halls on two levels. Internal redevelopment of the sanctuary and halls is currently being undertaken – updates here
People with a past
A Christian congregation has gathered on this site for over 200 years. But we look much further back and connect by faith with events nearly 2000 years ago – in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He is not, however, only an historical figure. We find that the presence of his love and the sound of his voice are very real to us now.
People in the present
When we gather we come together joyfully to praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. We listen for God’s word in the Bible. We pray for the city, the nation and the world. We encourage one another in faith, hope and love, meeting not only in the church building, but in groups in one another’s homes. When we are together we seek to be equipped to live our lives as Christian people when we are scattered in our neighbourhood, in our work place, in our leisure pursuits, in our trying experiences and in our good experiences.
People of the future
Like everyone else we feel the insecurity of human life, but through our faith in Christ we are able to travel hopefully, believing as we do that God has good purposes for the world and for us and that these purposes will in the end prevail. We look for his guidance and companionship in our earthly journey and we are not disappointed. We try to share our faith and hope with others.
People with a mission
The mission is to commend Jesus Christ in word and deed as the One through whom we are restored to our true humanity.